About conference

Participants will discuss country case studies and ways to promote inclusion of people with disabilities in social safety nets.

On May 25-26 an international conference will be held on ways to integrate people with disabilities into social protection systems.

The title of the conference will cover a wide range of issues, including the experience of different countries, combinations of various benefits and services to ensure income security, payment of additional expenses related to disability, access to medical and other necessary services for people with disabilities.

Participants of the conference will also discuss such issues as changes in the needs of people with disabilities throughout the life cycle, work with data on disability, mechanisms of definition and evaluation of disability, financing of social protection of people with disabilities.

It is difficult to talk about technological progress without considering the possibilities it opens up in the field of disability, because the technological landscape, which is developing rapidly, continues to change the way services are provided. This link between technology and invalidity is the center of the international conference.

The main focus is on technological developments in assistive technology, assistive technology, digital and connected health, virtual reality and complementary reality, as well as the ethical implications of these new possibilities, such as confidenciality of data and self-identification of people with disabilities and young people who use these technologies.